Troubleshoot Fingbox: Monitor Single or Multiple Networks

Can the Fingbox monitor multiple/guest networks?

No. The Fingbox can only monitor a single network. Fingbox cannot monitor guest networks or multiple networks.

A guest network is separate from your main network and creates a separate network gateway, so none of the devices from the guest network can access your main network. Fingbox can only manage one network gateway that the Fingbox is activated on.

Fingbox is designed for the average home network. Fingbox can manage and control one LAN/VLAN and one 2.4 GHz/5 GHz Wi-Fi network with the same SSID.

Choose one of your SSID and the network you want to monitor and control using Fingbox. Use the Fing App to access the Fingbox.

Fing recommends the following best practice:

  • On a large number of routers, the Admin user ID and password are on the bottom of the router.
  • Some guest and primary networks share the same password.

Every home grade router has these features. To add security:

  • Change the admin password to one with over 11 characters. This will make it difficult for password crack utilities to break. Over 16 characters is even more secure.
  • Change the guest network password or turn it off when not in use.

To monitor the guest network, use a separate Fingbox and block all its devices.

Note: Fingbox can run on 5GHz and 2.4Ghz.


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