Troubleshoot Fing Desktop: Blank Screen/Scan Error

If you have a blank screen or scan errors, follow these steps for the platform you are using.

Fing Desktop on Windows

If you are using Fing Desktop app on Windows, do this first.

  • Confirm that you are on the most up-to-date version of Fing Desktop
  • Restart your PC

If restarting your PC does not resolve the issue, do this:

  1. Type 'cmd' to bring up the Command Prompt
  2. Open the Command Prompt
  3. Type the stop service command: sc stop Fing.Agent
  4. Type the start service command: sc start Fing.Agent

If the commands are successful, perform a new installation of Fing Desktop. WinPcap may be interrupting with NpCap.

With the new version 2.4.1 and above, we have replaced winPcap with NpCap. To resolve the above issue:

  1. Uninstall WinpCap using Revo
  2. Disable the Npcap driver service To disable NpCap:
    • Run this command as an admin: sc.exe config npcap start= disabled
    • Uninstall Npcap
  3. Reboot your device to safe mode with networking
  4. Download and install the new Fing desktop version and open it
  5. Reboot to normal mode 

Fing Desktop on MAC

Confirm that you have O.S 10.14.x or above running on MacBook. Fing Desktop is only compatible with O.S 10.14 and above. With earlier versions, it will not work.

To address the blank screen, follow these commands on the terminal:

  • Command 1: /usr/bin/pgrep fingagent
  • Command 2: sudo lsof -nP -iTCP:48080 -sTCP:LISTEN

When running the second command, you will be asked for a password. Enter the login password of your MacBook.

After the 1st command, it will return a number example: 0000. Use this number in the following command: sudo kill -90000(result of 1st command)

Reboot your device.

In addition, you can check under Activity Monitor if multiple Fing agents are running. If yes, quit all the Fing agents, reboot your device and open Fing Desktop.


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