Troubleshoot Fing Desktop: Fing Service Not Found Error

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If you see the error message Fing Service not Found when installing Fing Desktop, follow these steps:

Ensure you have the latest version of Fing.

  • Fing Desktop supports any version of Windows that is still within its extended support lifetime to current version. Windows 10 is recommended. Windows Server versions are not included.
  • Fing Desktop supports macOS Ventura and later to the current version

Uninstall Wireshark if you use it. Wireshark uses NpCap library which may create a compatibility issue with Fing desktop.

Try the following actions:


  • Confirm that you are on the most up-to-date version of Fing Desktop
  • Restart your PC

If restarting your PC does not resolve the issue, there are a number of commands you can try:

  • Type 'cmd' to bring up the Command Prompt
  • Open the Command Prompt as administrator
  • Type the stop service command: sc stop Fing.Agent
  • Or, type the start service command: sc start Fing.Agent

If this is unsuccessful

Check under Services.msc and restart the Fing agent service. Click here for information on how to do this.

Alternatively, the Fing Agent service may not have been installed correctly. To verify this:

  • Type 'cmd' to bring up the Command Prompt
  • Open the Command Prompt as administrator
  • Type: sc query Fing.Agent (it should return to service status)
  • Type: %ProgramFiles\resources\fingagent.exe --version (it should return the installed version of the Fing Agent)

If these commands are successful, perform a new installation of the Fing Desktop.

Further Actions

  • Uninstall WinpCap using Revo
  • Disable the Npcap driver service To disable NpCap:
    • Run this command as an admin: sc.exe config npcap start= disabled
    • Uninstall Npcap
  • Reboot your device to safe mode with networking
  • Download and install the new Fing desktop version and open it
  • Reboot to normal mode


Ensure you have the latest version of Fing and manually install WLAN Service. Then re-install Fing Desktop.


  • Confirm that you install the Fing Desktop under the Applications folder only. If not, Fing Desktop cannot connect to its services and it will appear as 'Unidentified' or 'Undefined'.
  • The service may have been disabled and cannot launch until the service is re-enabled. This is likely the result of the service having been unloaded using 'launchctl' in conjunction with the -w switch. This condition can remain, even if the software is uninstalled and reinstalled.

To re-enable the disabled service:

  • Press the Command key and the A key at the same time
  • Type the command: sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.fing.service.plist

Still having issue? Submit a request

If the issue persists, we can investigate your specific case.

You must change the level of logging for the Fing agent and share the log files when submitting a new request.

To change the log level on your Windows or macOS PC, follow the corresponding procedure:


  • open the command prompt as Administrator
  • type the command echo overlook.fingagent.logging.level=DEBUG > %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\FingAgent\conf\ and press enter
  • type the stop service command: sc stop Fing.Agent and press enter
  • type the start service command: sc start Fing.Agent and press enter
  • close the Fing Desktop App
  • restart the Fing Desktop App and wait until the Service Not Found issue occurs


  • open the terminal
  • type the command sudo sh -c “echo ‘overlook.fingagent.logging.level=DEBUG’ > /Users/root/.fingagent/conf/” and press enter (type your password when prompted)
  • type the stop service command sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.fing.service.plist and press enter
  • type the start service command sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.fing.service.plist and press enter
  • close the Fing Desktop App
  • restart the Fing Desktop App and wait until the Service Not Found issue occurs


How to access the agent log files:



  • Open the Service Log folder /Library/Logs/FingAgent/log
  • When the folder opens, copy all the log files and compress saving locally


  • Open the Service Log folder C:\users\%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\FingAgent\Log
  • When the folder opens, copy all the log files and compress saving locally

How to submit a request:

  • Click the Submit a Request link 
  • Attach the compressed log files saved locally in the Attachment section by clicking on the Add file button
  • Copy and paste the following URL into your browser in a new window:
  • Copy and paste the response in the description field of the request, providing  as much detail as possible about your network environment (router, VPN, Firewall, etc) and the App behaviour
  • In the subject enter 'Service not Found'
  • Click on Submit


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