You may have difficulties logging in or subscribing to Fing Premium if you use an Apple Relay email address.
Problem Logging In
If you are having difficulty logging in to Fing and you use an Apple Relay address, you need to create a manual password and reset your password at this link.
After you reset the password manually, you will be able to log in normally on Fing Mobile or Fing Desktop.
Problem Subscribing to Fing Premium
if you have difficulty subscribing to Fing Premium or if your subscription has not been activated, and you use an Apple Relay email address, please email with the following information.
- If the transaction was processed, please share a screenshot of the invoice for the Premium subscription.
- Indicate whether you purchased the subscription from the Appstore or Stripe.
- If you used your Apple ID, inform Fing of the email address with which you purchased the Fing Premium subscription.
- If you used your Apple relay email address, include the email address in the email to Fing support. See below for how to find your Apple Relay address.
Find your Apple Relay Email Address
To find your Apple relay email address, on your Apple device, do this:
- Go to Settings.
- Click Apple ID.
- Click Password and Security.
- Click Apps Using your Apple ID.
Need help?
Click the Submit a request button at the top right of the page.
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