Fing Quickstart

Start Here

This is a summary to help you get up and running quickly.   Each of these steps is described in detail in the Get Started section of this knowledge base.

  1. Download the Fing App.   Install on Desktop, Mobile (iOS or Android), Web App, or other Monitoring Unit. Go to Downloading and Installing Fing
  2. Create an Account.   This is optional for use but you need an account to sync your mobile and desktop apps (recommended).  Go to Create a Fing Account
  3. Sync your mobile with your desktop or other monitoring unit accounts.   This allows you to manage your network from anywhere and enables optimal performance.  Go to Syncing and Linking your Mobile and Web Fing Apps
  4. Enable Location Permissions.  Fing recommends that you grant full network and location access for best performance.  
  5. Review your Fing plan and features.  Know which features your plan supports.    Unsupported features will be greyed out on your app. Go to Fing Features by Tier
  6. View and learn about your Fing Dashboard.  This is your launch point for network exploration and is automatically launched when you install the application.  Go to  Exploring the Fing Dashboard
  7. View and learn about the highlights of your network--devices, users, ISP provider, internet speeds, and security assessment.

You are now up and running successfully on Fing.  



What's Next    

Explore more by selecting any of the options on the Navigation Bar on the left side of the Dashboard and learn more about managing your network by selecting any of the other categories in this knowledge base.

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Click the Submit a request button at the top right of the page.




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