This page covers our continuous updates on the Fing Desktop product. See how the product evolves.
Fing Desktop 3.8.0
Released on December 2024
Release Notes
(New) Revamped Network Insights: Enhanced Network Insights pages(Profile and Timeline) and Insight Dashboard report
(Bug) Fixed several bugs and crashes: Fixed several smaller bugs and improved the app stability
Fing Desktop 3.7.2
Released on November 2024
Release Notes
(New) Revamped Network Insights: Enhanced Network Insights pages(Price, Popularity, Market and Lifecycle)
(Bug) Fixed several bugs and crashes: Fixed several smaller bugs and improved the app stability
Fing Desktop 3.7.1
Released on September 2024
Release Notes
(New) Revamped Network Insights: Enhanced Network Insights pages (SmartHome and Recognition)
(Bug) Fixed missing SSID: missing SSID and Access Point information after macOS update to Sonoma 14.6
(Bug) Fixed several bugs and crashes: Fixed several smaller bugs and improved the app stability
Fing Desktop 3.7.0
Released on July 2024
Release Notes
- (New) Revamped Network Insights: Enhanced Network Insights pages (Brands, Products and OS’s)
- (Bug) Fixed several bugs and crashes: Fixed several smaller bugs and improved the app stability
Fing Desktop 3.6.3
Released on May 2024
Release Notes
- (New) Digital signature: Updated digital signature on Windows
- (Bug) Fixed missing SSID: missing SSID and Access Point information after macOS update to Sonoma 14.5
- (Bug) Fixed several bugs and crashes: Fixed several smaller bugs and improved the app stability
Fing Desktop 3.6.2 for macOS
Released on March 2024
Release Notes
- (New) Layout of “Service not found”page :Improved handling of “Service not found” issues
- (New) WiFi Scanner disabled :WiFi scanner is disabled with Sonoma 14.4 due to new restrictions
- (Bug) Fixed blank page: after macOS update to Sonoma 14.4 the desktop app shows always a blank page
- (Bug) Fixed several bugs and crashes: Fixed several smaller bugs and improved the app stability.
Fing Desktop 3.6.1
Released on January 2024
Release Notes
- (Bug) Fixed speed test crashes: fixed crash of speed test for macOs on Intel chip.
- (Bug) Fixed tools page: Sometimes all tools are disabled after app startup.
Fing Desktop 3.6.0
Released on December 2023
Release Notes
- (New) Revamped speed test system: Fing now supports a faster and more reliable speed test protocol based on NDT7, replacing the former NDT5 which was causing issues on some locations and devices.
- (Bug) Fixed several bugs and crashes: Fixed several smaller bugs and improved the app stability.
Fing Desktop 3.5.1
Released on November 2023
Release Notes
- (Bug) Fixed speed test not starting: Sometimes in some countries the speed test could not be started
- (Bug) Fixed several bugs and crashes: Fixed several smaller bugs and improved the app stability.
Fing Desktop 3.5.0
Released on October 2023
Release Notes
- (New)Tuned the app for macOS Sonoma.We've improved Fing to provide a smoothless interaction with the latest version of macOS.
- (Bug) Fixed several bugs and crashes: Fixed several smaller bugs and improved the app stability.
Fing Desktop 3.4.1
Released on September 2023
Release Notes
- (Bug) Fixed authentication bug that prevented a few users to sign in
- (Bug) Fixed reported vulnerability on network content
- (Bug) Fixed speed test network name: fixed issue that did not update network custom name in the speed test report
Fing Desktop 3.4.0
Released on June 2023
Release Notes
- (New) Schedule Internet downtime: Plan which users should have a limited Internet access for your household digital wellbeing.
- (Bug) Fixed several bugs and crashes: Fixed several smaller bugs and improved the app stability.
Fing Desktop 3.3.1
Released on May 2023
Release Notes
- (New) Improved Security page layout: You can now filter your security checks to find activities requiring attention more quickly.
- (Bug) Local API for people: Fixed 500 internal error when there is no contact defined in the network
- (Bug) ISP not updated: Fixed issue that did not update the ISP switching among network interfaces.
- (Bug) Fixed several bugs and crashes: Fixed several smaller bugs and improved the app stability.
Fing Desktop 3.3.0
Released on May 2023
Release Notes
- (New) Autoblock new devices feature: You can now automatically block all new devices that connect to your network.
- (New) Display details: In-depth details about your PC internal and external displays in the device detail page
- (New) Contact brand helpdesks via TikTok : We've added brand links to their TikTok accounts, along with the other already present solutions.
- (Bug) Fixed several bugs and crashes: Fixed several smaller bugs and improved the app stability.
Fing Desktop 3.2.1
Released on April 2023
Release Notes
- (New) Improved network page: An improved network page will help you navigate better your network details and get easier access to exports and event timelines.
- (Bug) Fixed several bugs and crashes: Fixed several smaller bugs and improved the app stability.
Fing Desktop 3.2.0
Released on Feb 2023
Release Notes:
- (New) Block network access: Prevent a device to access your network. Use it to permanently block Unknown devices that might have joined your private network without permission.
- (New) Pause Internet access: Suspend the ability to browse internet, stream videos, download game data for a known device. Use it to temporarily suspend the access to internet to devices and members of your household.
- (Bug) Fing constantly requests to install as login item on macOS Ventura: We adapted to the changes enforced by macOS Ventura regarding the login items.
- (Bug) Fing sometimes reports missing connectivity to some domains: Modified the sample target that sometimes doesn’t reply correctly with other domains.
Fing Desktop 3.1.1
Released on Dec 2022
Release Notes:
- (New) Improved device filtering: Now you can access more easily your important devices
- (New) The app now looks better than ever: We've aligned all badges and progress bars and done a fairly large number of other cosmetic interventions to smooth the experience
- (Bug) Fixed several bugs and crashes: Fixed several smaller bugs and improved the app stability
Fing Desktop 3.1.0
Released on Oct 2022
Release Notes:
- (New) Improved device detail page: Revamped the entire page with a better layout and instant access to the top features
- (Bug) Fixed: cannot clear custom location: The custom location of a network could not be reverted to original state
- (Bug) new speed test starts every time you land on the page: Fixed an issue that re-started the speed test during navigation
- (Bug) Fixed several bugs and crashes: Fixed several smaller bugs and improved the app stability
Fing Desktop 3.0.2
Released on Aug 2022
Release Notes:
- (New) Improved connectivity health check widget: Easier to read, direct copy-to-clipboard from the dashboard
- (Bug) Fixed: login button is unresponsive: With some screen formats, the login button was unresponsive
- (Bug) Inconsistent network data: Aligned and clarified network types and locations
- (Bug) Fixed several bugs and crashes: Fixed several smaller bugs and improved the app stability
Fing Desktop 3.0.0
Released on Jul 2022
Release Notes:
- (New) New Dashboard: Find the top relevant details of your network straight from your home dashboard
- (New) Improved layout and navigation: We have reorganized all tools in one place, for a more convenient experience.
- (New) No more tools limits: All credit-based tools are now unlimited, including Local API usage! DHCP Discovery and DNS benchmark get promoted to full tools for Premium users.
- (New) Internet Outage revamp: A brand new Internet Outage experience that allows to filter by ISP and location.
- (New) ISP comparison new tool: A stunning Side-by-side comparison of ISP performance, ratings and stability
- Fixed bug: Excessive notifications get generated
- Fixed bug: Random Javascript error displayed at random times
- Fixed bug: Fixed potential security vulnerability in Windows installations
Fing Desktop 2.10.0
Released on May 2022
Release Notes:
- (New) Security Score: Understand and improve your security through a score automatically calculated based on your network setup and your settings
- (New) WPS detection: Fing detects if your router has WPS enabled. WPS presents some security weaknesses and can be hacked. Available only on Windows at this time.
- (New) DHCP WPAD Proxy detection: Fing detects if your DHCP has a WPAD proxy enabled. WPAD can be used to auto-configure proxies in a transparent way, leading to a security weakness
- (New) Wi-Fi Access Point security detection: Fing now collects also the Access Point security for Windows and macOS (including Monterey), reporting the security protocol in Network and Security tab.
- Fixed bug: The Device Details button lands always on the Device not found page
- Fixed bug: Access Point security always Unknown on macOS Monterey in WiFi scanner
- Fixed bug: People tab content does not update using the refresh button in case network used is changed without logout
- Fixed bug: Find Hidden camera tool reports green status even if new unconfirmed camera is detected
- Fixed bug: Wrong label in Spanish translation
Fing Desktop 2.9.0
Released on March 2022
Release Notes:
- (New) Automated Router Vulnerability test: Schedule automated Router Vulnerability tests and generate alerts when a new port is detected
- (New) Timeline of Router Vulnerability tests: Access the full list of tests executed manually or automatically, with details of each test's setup and results
- Fixed bug: sporadically router vulnerability check doesn't show vulnerabilities when uPnP server is enabled
- Fixed bug: the manual button of 'about your router' card under router vulnerability check page doesn't land on any page
- Fixed bug: traceroute and ping functionalities show blank page
- Fixed bug: Outages Timeline shows "today" even if they refers to previous day
- Fixed bug: Network tab shows a blank page sporadically (using Tethering)
- Fixed bug: Internet tab shows blank page sporadically
Fing Desktop 2.8.0
Released on January 2022
Release Notes:
- (New) Automated Speed Tests: Schedule automated speed tests and generate detailed report about your performance and your ISP trends.
- (New) Automated Detection of network users: The names of Network user may be inferred automatically to pre-fill the users in the People tab
- Fixed search bug: Fing App doesn’t filter correctly the entries in the devices table
- Improved Notifications: Bugfixes and improvements on the notification engine
Fing Desktop 2.7.2
Released on Dec 2021
Release Notes:
- Fixed Installation Bug: Fing App didn’t quit on installation, leaving the update pending
- Fixed crash on windows drag (Bug): The App may crash if the main window gets dragged across multiple screens
Fing Desktop 2.7.1
Released on Dec 2021
Release Notes:
- Improved Navigation: Jump to the right tab from the sidebar and go back to the right page using the ‘Back’ button.
- Improved Layout: Try the new speed test layout with comparison and experience a cleaner layout in several pages.
- More options to confirm your devices: Allow to confirm all devices at once or just a subset, and browse the timeline of when each device first joined your network.
- Less (Memory) is more: We found and fixed some issues that might take up more memory than required.
Fing Desktop 2.7.0
Released on Sept 2021
Release Notes:
- (NEW) Track Presence of users: Define network users, track when they are at home and away, and get notified when somebody arrives or leaves home.
- (NEW) Improved Security Tab
- Update of the networking library (Bug Fixed): Includes the latest NPCAP version on Windows, to resolve crashes caused by compatibility with other software libs.
Fing Desktop 2.6.0
Released on Apr 2021
Release Notes:
- (New) Deep Scan: Run additional in-depth analysis to further improve the recognition of models and OS. Activate it from the Network tab.
- Update of networking library (Bug): Includes the latest NPCAP version on Windows, to resolve crashes caused by compatibility with other software libs.
Fing Desktop 2.5.1
Released on Mar 2021
Release Notes:
- (New) New digital signature: Windows version is signed with a new Extended Validation Certificate to update security
- Improved notifications (Bug): Bugfixes and improvements on the notification engine
Fing Desktop 2.5.0
Released on Mar 2021
Release Notes:
Fing Desktop 2.4.1
Released on Dec 2020
Release Notes:
- (New) Find Hidden Cameras: Detect online cameras with the “Find Hidden Camera” premium feature
- (New) Warranty links: Device model details include direct link to check warranty
- (New) Router Vulnerability Detection redesigned: Layout has been redesigned to make its information more understandable
- (New) DHCP discovery redesigned: Layout has been redesigned to make its information more understandable
- Sign in (Bug fixed): Fixed sign in and installation flow
Fing Desktop 2.3.1
Released on Oct 2020
Release Notes:
- (New) MAC Lookup: Recognize device from just its MAC address
- Install fixes (Bug fixed): Fixed and improved Windows installer
- Router security (Bug fixed): Fixed Router Vulnerability Detection information
Fing Desktop 2.3.0
Released on Sept 2020
Release Notes:
- (New) Theme refresh: UI theme has been refreshed to make it more readable and streamlined
- (New) WiFi scanner redesigned: Layout has been redesigned to make its information more understandable
- (New) Owner name detection: Device owner name automatically detected, when included in device hostnames
- UI fixes (Bug): Fixed several interaction bugs in the User Interface
Fing Desktop 2.2.2
Released on Sept 2020
Release Notes:
- Discovery (Bug fixed): Fixed and improved bonjour browsing in network discovery.
Fing Desktop 2.2.1
Released on Aug 2020
Release Notes:
- Reverse DNS (Bug fixed): Fixed and improved reverse DNS lookup in network discovery.
Fing Desktop 2.2.0
Released on Aug 2020
Release Notes:
- New Troubleshooting Tool DNS Benchmark: Benchmark your DNS servers to find the optimal configuration.
Fing Desktop 2.0.1
Released on July 2020
Release Notes:
- New device types: Added new device types: Security System, VoIP, Conferencing, Pool, Fitness.
- Wi-Fi Scan: Added Wireless spectrum heatmap in Wi-Fi Scan.
- Security: Added Security the section in network details: an overview of intruder detection and acknowledgment of known devices.
- Discovery fix: Fixed very rare Bonjour loop in the network engine, causing network noise during network discovery.
Fing Desktop 1.4.1
Released on May 2020
Release Notes:
Device recognition:
- It is now possible to use both the product name or Model number when searching for products in Fingpedia.
- The app highlights better in the device detail page when recognition is not sharp and you can improve with the user input.
- When sending hints for missing products, the app shows you possible matches before sending suggestions.
Fing Desktop 1.4.0
Released on May 2020
Release Notes:
- (New) Home: Home screen has been redesigned to provide an overview of connectivity health check together with network and ISP information.
- (New) Device recognition: It is now possible to manually recognize devices: when Fing recognition is not sharp enough, you can manually provide brand and model of your devices.
- Network and device edit (Bug fixed): Fixed editing of network and device details was broken sometimes.
Fing Desktop 1.3.2
Released on Apr 2020
Release Notes:
- (New) openHAB: Device details and Insights report show information and shortcuts for openHAB integrations as well.
- Fixed Notifications: Fixed unread notifications icon marker.
- Fixed Health checks: Fixed and tuned health check refresh and notifications.
Fing Desktop 1.3.1
Released on Apr 2020
Release Notes:
- Fixed Business VPN: Fixed network discovery when connected to corporate/business VPN.
- Fixed Screen: App screen remembers position and size.
- Fixed Improved alerting engine: Fixed and tuned too reactive alerts when changing network or waking up from sleep.
Fing Desktop 1.3.0
Released on Apr 2020
Release Notes:
- (New) Overview view mode: Overview Mode called Summary is added along with Filters. Devices can be seen in an interactive summary overview of your network.
- (New) Insight Section: Accessible from the bottom-right button when in Overview Mode providing interesting Insights about your devices.
- Improved recognition engine: Recognition engine has been improved for sharper device type, brand, model and OS detection.
- Release notes: Release notes and change history available from app information screen.
Fing Desktop 1.2.0
Released on Mar 2020
Release Notes:
- (New) Added Insight view mode to visualize and explore discovered network from a new angle.
- (New) Device details show information and shortcuts for smart home features and integrations: IFTTT, Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, Apple HomeKit, HomeAssistant
- (New) Green dots to mark online devices
- (Fixed) Shows additional IP addresses for devices in the table and in device details
- (Fixed) Shows also hostname when present, in device details
Fing Desktop 1.1.0 (March 2020)
Release Notes:
- (New) Mute warnings: it’s now possible to dismiss known/undesired warnings on specific networks.
- (New) Setting to disable automatic mark-as-read for notifications.
- (New) Detect more VPN’s: OpenVPN and Freedome
- (Fixed) Windows channel and spectrum were sometimes not correct.
Fing Desktop 1.0.0
Released on 1st March 2020
Release notes:
- Official version 1.0.0 of Fing Desktop launched on Monday, 24th Feb
- Added worldwide Internet outages page
- Added brand logos and support shortcuts in device details view (for most popular brands)
- Fixed wake up from sleep on Windows
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