Import Network and Device Customizations (Fing Web App Only)

You can import settings and customizations from other networks and devices into your current network.  This feature is available only on Fing Web App.   You can use this feature to apply or match settings from devices on a different network to the current one.   Examples of settings you might want to import are user name settings, devices assigned to users, schedules for internet downtime, and blocking and security settings.

Import Settings on Fing Web App

  1. To import settings on Fing Web App, select the More button from any of the four dashboard cards.
  2. The Import Customization sub window is displayed.   
  3. Select the source network you want to customize from.   In this example, the destination network is the network shown in the Devices window, and the source network,  The Georgian Rooms Howth, is selected as the network from which to apply settings.CustomizationM.gif
  4. Select the type of customizations you wish to make from the dropdown list -  device or network settings or network scheduling.   In this example, Device and Network settings are imported from the source Georgian Rooms network to the current VM network.  You cannot apply settings to individual devices on a current network.
  5. Select the option  Import if Missing or Override.   If you Select Import if Missing, the imported setting is imported if it doesn't already exist on the destination network or device. 
  6.  If the setting  exists already on the destination device, no change will occur.  Select Override to apply the setting from the source device on the destination device even if a setting already existed on the destination device. 

Customization Example:  Copy Internet Time Limitation Settings to the Current Network

 You might want to copy internet time limitation settings on devices on Network A to Network B so you don't have to remember or re-enter the settings. To do so, do this:

  1. To import customizations, select the More button from any of the four dashboard cards on Network B (the currently monitored network). The Import Customization sub window is displayed showing available networks.   
  2. Select Network A as the source network.    
  3. Select Import to copy the device settings, including internet limitation settings, to Network B, and Select Import if Missing to avoid overriding settings that you want to keep.


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