You can change personal information and customize Fing settings, for example, how notifications are received and in which language and timezone, your subscription plan, connected devices and managed apps. You can also rename or delete connected devices.
Here is the full list of items and information you can change using the Edit Profile feature.
- Your password, avatar and personal information, including your name and display name, company, job, and level of technology knowledge.
- Your notifications settings: The notifications' language, your timezone, email address, Fing's Newsletter and Content Updates, notifications about ISP outages and network events, how frequently you receive notifications, and digital presence stats.
- Your subscription level.
- Your connected devices: A list of the devices on your network. You can Rename or Delete any device you wish.
- Your authorized or managed apps: Review the Apps that have access to your data
Manage or Change your Profile using the Fing Desktop App
- To edit your profile or manage profile settings, from the left navigation bar in Fing, click on your name to display the Edit Profile drop-down menu.
- Select Edit Profile to display the Edit Profile window.
- Make desired changes to your personal information, subscription plan, connected devices, and authorized apps.
- Click Save to save the changes.
Manage Your Profile Using the Fing Mobile App or App Controlled Agent or Monitoring Unit
To manage your profile from the Fing Mobile App, select Account from the navigation menu on the Fing dashboard. The Account menu is displayed.
Manage Your Profile Using Fing Web App
To manage your profile or change profile settings, click your initial on the lower left navigation bar on the Fing App dashboard, and then select Profile from the drop-down menu.
Select Account and Settings to Display Profile and Other Account Settings--Personal Info, Notification Settings, Manage Your Plan, Connected Devices, and Managed Apps.
To change your timezone, see Change your Notification Time Zone.
To change your notification language, see Change notification language settings.
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